IMCW2015: The “6th International Symposium on Information Management in a Changing World” will take placein Guangzhou,China from November 25-27,2015. It is organized by the Department of Information Management of Hacettepe University in Ankara, Turkey, and the School of Information Management of Sun Yat-sen Universityin Guangzhou, China.
Data deluge is upon us. Some two exabytes of data get created daily. Google alone processes 24 petabyte of data every day. The amount of data is doubling every three years and 90% of all the data were produced in the last two years. The proliferation of available data in different formats such as text, sound and videochanges the way we live, work and carry out research. While Science was based on empirical, theoretical and computational models in the past, it currently relies increasingly on data exploration (eScience). Called the Fourth Paradigm, the data-intensive scientific discovery makes information management all the more important in the Big Data Era in order to cary out leading research and make the world a better place to live.